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Contact your State Legislators to tell them this legislation is important to you!
From: The Boston Globe
A nearly decade-long effort to require Massachusetts employers to offer paid sick days is gaining momentum as lawmakers pass similar proposals across the country.
At least five cities and one state, Connecticut, have mandated that employers provide the benefit in recent years, with New York City poised to join them after the City Council agreed to enact legislation requiring businesses with 20 or more employees to offer five paid sick days a year. Similar proposals are under consideration in Philadelphia and Vermont.
In Massachusetts, supporters say these victories are boosting legislation that was first filed in 2005 but has foundered year after year in the face of strong opposition from businesses.
The sick-pay bill, now before the Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development, has about 90 House and Senate sponsors. That’s more than in any previous effort, partly because of successes in New York, San Francisco, Portland, Ore., and other places.