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Contact your State Legislators to tell them this legislation is important to you!
The MPLC includes over 80 state and local advocates, community organizations, labor unions, businesses, policy makers, doctors, researchers, policy, and data experts working together to educate the public and policymakers about the critical need for access to earned sick time for workers in Massachusetts. Nearly 1 million workers in Massachusetts lack access to this critical workplace protection. As a result, workers are forced to lose a day's pay or worse yet, their job, when they need to care for their own health or that of a family member.
The goal of our campaign for earned sick time is to help workers stay employed, remain financially stable, and enhance the well-being of their families. The Massachusetts Paid Leave Coalition (MPLC) is coordinated by the Coalition for Social Justice in collaboration with the Massachusetts AFL-CIO, Greater Boston Legal Services, the Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action, New England United for Justice, and the National Association of Social Workers, MA Chapter.
The MPLC is a founding member of Family Values@Work, a multi-state consortium of sixteen state coalitions working to together to promote economic security, family leave insurance and other policies that value families at work.