Stay up to date with our campaign. Just write to to be added to the MPLC list serve.
MPLC is committed to protecting your privacy. The MPLC list serve is an opt-in, permission-based email list. We will not email you without your permission. See our full Privacy Policy.
Contact your State Legislators to tell them this legislation is important to you!
MPLC is committed to protecting your privacy. The MPLC list serve is an opt-in, permission-based email list. We will not email you without your permission.
The MPLC maintains records documenting the source of each individual's request to be on our list serve. When you subscribe to the MPLC list serve, we request identifying information so that we know our coalition members. Unless you opt out, we will use your e-mail address to send you updates on paid leave issues and to ask you to take an action, such as contacting your elected officials or attending an event.
The MPLC will not give, rent, or exchange e-mail addresses of its members. You may remove your name from our e-mail list at any time by sending a request to .