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Contact your State Legislators to tell them this legislation is important to you!
Are you a business owner? Please sign the business support letter here : Massachusetts Business Support Letter
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tell us to stay home from work or school in order to minimize the spread of disease. Common sense tells us to limit our contact with others when we are sick. Yet, for the majority of workers staying home is not that easy. For nearly 1 million workers in Massachusetts, following this advice can lead to losing much needed wages, or even their job.
That is why, as a Massachusetts business owner, I support earned sick time.
In these tough economic times, we need the proven benefits from an earned sick time labor standard, including lower turnover, increased worker productivity and reduced spread of contagion in the workplace.
Independent research in Massachusetts demonstrates earned sick time will reduce turnover with an average total saving of $7.12 a week per worker.
In Massachusetts, employees are estimated to use an average of 2.5 days a year of the 7 days they can earn. About half of all workers with earned sick time do not take any days off for illness in a given year.
Research in Massachusetts indicates that with the Earned Paid Sick Time Bill, businesses will experience a net savings of $26 million annually, or $0.95 per worker per week.
No one should have to choose between their heath and a day’s pay, or even their job. That’s why, as a business owner, I believe earned sick time is the right thing for my company, my employees, and our community. Everyone needs access to a healthy workplace.