Welcome! - We're a coalition of over 80 local advocates, community organizations, labor unions, businesses, policy makers, doctors, researchers and policy and data experts working in collaboration to educate the public and policymakers about paid sick leave.: Jump to: Search, Content, Nav
June 17, 2013
What a Wage is Worth
Massachusetts is among the richest states in the nation, second in per capita income only to Connecticut, where the minimum wage is pegged at $8.25 an hour
April 20, 2013
What do firms have against workplace health?
Why do the group and its members so often consider public protection measures as government intrusions? Why do they regularly oppose measures for labor rights, chemical safety, environmental health, and quality protections?
April 15, 2013
Support grows for legislation requiring paid sick leave
A nearly decade-long effort to require Massachusetts employers to offer paid sick days is gaining momentum as lawmakers pass similar proposals across the country.

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For media inquires contact (617) 877-1816

Contact your State Legislators to tell them this legislation is important to you!

  • Look up your State Legislators
  • E-mail your State Senator
  • E-mail your State Representative
  • Call the Massachusetts State House and ask for your Representative and/or Senator: (617) 722-2000
  • E-mail the Governor or call his office and tell him this legislation is important to you (617)725-4005 or 888.870.7770 (in state)

Earned Sick Time: Because Working Families Deserve Paid Sick Days

Senator Dan Wolf: Paid Sick Days is good public policy from Sugarhouse Media

We all have a stake in paid sick days. Almost 1 million Massachusetts workers lack access to a single paid sick day. You can make a difference! Join the fight for paid sick days in Massachusetts today! Contact to get involved.

Retailers, workers battle over min wage, sick leave

Retailers, workers battle over min wage, sick leave

Request $11/hr, one week annual sick leave

Updated: Thursday, 23 May 2013, 8:13 PM EDT
Christine Lee, 22News State House Correspondent

BOSTON (WWLP) - Over the past 40 years, the minimum wage has not kept up with inflation. It’s one of the reasons more than one hundred union members and minimum wage workers are fighting for fair wages and benefits. They marched through Beacon Hill Thursday in support of legislation that would increase the minimum wage from $8/hour to $11/hour by 2015.

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"Workplace flexibility isn’t just a women’s issue.  It’s an issue that affects the well-being of our families and the success of our businesses.  It affects the strength of our economy – whether we’ll create the workplaces and jobs of the future that we need to compete in today’s global economy."
     - President Barak Obama

The White House wants you to be part of the conversation about workplace flexibility in your community.  To learn more, go to the Council on Women and Girls website.

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